Friday, February 27, 2015

Sample Poses

Pose for a single man

Pose for a single female

Pose for friends

Pose for couples (romantic)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Landscape/Cityscape Preview

Three tips that are important for Landscape/Cityscape photography
-Capturing movement can add drama and give interest into the photo
-Working with the weather can change the mood of the photo dramatically 
-Working during the day isn't always the best choice for lighting. The lighting may be too harsh so its better to shoot around dawn or dusk

Japan Flower Park by

Apocalypse Now by Miles Morgan

Black Forest by Andy Linden


-Hamilton's Pool
-Downtown Austin

Hamilton's Pool

Downtown Austin

I can go downtown by 6th street to take these photos and take photos nearby that area

Monday, February 23, 2015

Pet Portraits Preview

What type of pet will you photograph?
I will photograph dogs

Where will you shoot?
Inside near a window

What type of lighting will you use?
Mostly natural lighting

What challenges will you encounter?
The dog doesn't cooperate, the weather might be bad

How will you overcome these challenges?
Give treats to the dog, take the photograph inside

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Canon 6D vs. T3i















Tuesday, February 17, 2015

SmugMug Prep

Content Blocks
How do you add Content Blocks to your site
You add Content Blocks to your site by dragging it from the Customize drawer and dropping it onto your page

Content Types
What are the eight different types of content you can add?
Photo, Navigation, Video, Design, Text, Social, Discovery, and HTML & CSS

When you add photos to SmugMug, which are the FOUR different ways you can display them? Briefly explain what each method does.
Single Photo- add a block that contains a single image to any page, gallery, or folder
Multiple Photos- add a block that contains more than one image to any page, gallery, or folder
Slideshow- add a slideshow to any page, gallery, or folder
Carousel- add a photo carousel to any page, gallery, or folder

What are the SEVEN different types of Navigation items you can add to your SmugMug account? Briefly explain what each does.
Menu- Build a navigation bar with links to other pages on your site, as well as to any external sites you'd like your viewers to visit
Galleries- Display certain galleries
Folders- Display particular folders
Pages- Display certain pages
Folders, Galleries, and Pages- Display all types of content levels together
Breadcrumb- Add a breadcrumb to reveal the links between your homepage and the page being viewed 
Featured Events (Pro)- Feature an event on any page you create

Design Elements
What kinds of design elements can you add?
You can add a logo anywhere on your SmugMug site and add page separators to your site 

Image Preparation

What "Colorspace" should your images be processed in to be uploaded to SmugMug?
Your images should be processed in sRGB colorspace

Should you crop your images before uploading to SmugMug?Why?
No because today's cameras produce files with plenty of pixels and are large enough to sustain cropping

What is the minimum resolution size for an 8" by 10" print?

Monday, February 2, 2015

Light Basics and Vocabulary Part 2

Fill light- This is used to lighten shadows and control contrast 

Key light (main light)- This lighting is the strongest lighting and focuses more on the main subject

Hair light- Usually positioned near the top of the head to accent the subjects hair

Background light- Emphasizes the character of the background and separates it from the subject

Shadowless- A tool used to make a photo shadowless

Hard light- Focuses on the main subject and produces strong highlights and dark shadows

Soft light- Soft shadows and little highlights 

Grey card- A reflectance card 

Reflector- Something that reflects light onto the subject

Diffuser- A translucent material that is used to soften highlights and shadows

Intensity- The strength of the lighting being used

Light Basics and Vocabulary

Butterfly (Paramount)

What effect does it create?
Creates a shadow on the neck

Why use it?
Used for beauty lightning 

How many lights or light sources?
One light source


What effect does it create?
Even lighting on the subjects faces

Why use it?
Used to create even lighting

How many lights or light sources?
Two light sources


What effect does it create?
It creates a triangle highlight on the shadowed part of the faceWhy use it?

Why use it?
You use it when you want to create drama in the photo

How many lights or light sources?
One light source


What effect does it create?
It creates a shadowed side and a light side

Why use it?
Create more drama in the photo

How many lights or light sources?
One light source

Broad and Short

What effect does it create?
It emphasizes the light side of the face

Why use it?
It emphasizes frame and mystery

How many lights or light sources?
One light source