Friday, October 10, 2014

Still Life Preview

Part 1

1. Fruit, flowers, & small objects

2.What a photographer must consider when doing still life photography is that they are in control of everything. they have control over the lighting and the objects, and the placement of the objects. Doing still-life photography can be a lot easier then doing it with a real person. You can change the photo anytime you want and changing it won't affect the objects.

3.Apertue Priority sets the aperture automatically while you manually change the shutter speed. Aperture Priority sets the aperture to a certain number depending on the shutter speed.

4. Small aperture makes the background of the photo blurry and it gives it a different affect.

Part 2

1. You can take photos of the city, houses, food, people, etc.

2. Businesses, photography lovers, restaurants, people, etc.

3. Its a great chance for photographers to get their photos seen. You can also manipulate the photo to what you want it to be.

Part 3

1. You can arrange fruit, plants, daily life objects, etc.

2. The arrangement of these objects could mean anything to anyone. 

3. You could use a white background if you just want to focus on the objects or a nice scenery depending on what objects you have.

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